The journey so far...


About me

I'm Ruth, the owner of Beltane Blooms. I've been surrounded by plants since early adulthood in one way or another and my passion for them has grown and developed along with me.

I have a background in horticulture that started off with vegetable growing. I studied for my level 2 RHS qualification at Bristol Botanic Gardens where my wonderful teacher further stoked my passion for botany and holistic growing practices that take their lead from nature.

I've worked in kitchen gardens and on organic farms around the South West and have now settled back home in Wales. I completed an MSc in Sustainability and Ecology; an education that continues in my current conservation role and informs the way I garden and work with plants. 

My passion for flowers grew as my work became more focused on ornamental borders and soft landscaping. I hope to one day steward a farm of my own but for now I grow using organic principles on my allotment and in my little garden, just outside of Cardiff. 

My process 

All of my products are made from flowers, plants and trees growing in my garden, on my allotment in Cardiff, or foraged from the wild. I believe that nature can figure out the best balance in my garden and so I don’t use any herbicides or pesticides when I’m growing.  

When foraging, I keep in mind that a lot of what I take from the wild is a food source or habitat for many creatures and fungi too. If a plant or flower is not plentiful in that specific area, I leave it alone and search for a patch where the species is more abundant. This helps to ensure an equilibrium and minimise my impact on the natural world around me.

“Let us suppose
that nature gave the world flowers
and birdsong as a language by which
it might speak to discerning humans.
And what must we say back?”

Wendell Berry

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